Food Poisoning at Your Restaurant—Are you Insured?
September 23, 2022
Serve food at your restaurant? Of course, you do! And, sooner or later, someone is going to claim that some of the food you served was contaminated and made them sick. Food contamination claims are suffered by every restaurant in the land, and your New Jersey restaurant is no different.
In New Jersey, as in most states, food poisoning cases are covered by product liability law. To win a case, a claimant must simply prove that you served them food that was “unreasonably dangerous.” If they can prove a direct link, for example, they become sick and can prove, in a timely fashion, that a) they are indeed suffering from food poisoning and b) they ate nothing other than the food at your restaurant—then chances are they will win their case and can sue for medical fees, long-term disability if appropriate, and more.
The good news is that most general liability insurance policies will have you covered.
But there are additional insurance policies specifically for restaurants, that provide extra, all-important coverage.
Food Contamination Insurance covers several areas to do with food, food storage, and food preparation and is a must for any New Jersey restaurant. It will typically cover you for the cost of replacing food, cleaning the premises, loss of earnings in the event that you have to close temporarily, and, most significantly, some or all of the costs of fighting a claimant suing you for food poisoning.
There are also indirect costs that will come from a claim of food poisoning. You can be sure that any food poisoning claim will get into the media and social media, and the associated bad publicity can be catastrophic for a small business. But if you have food contamination insurance, general liability insurance, and loss of earnings insurance, you will have the financial backing you need to help offset the negative impact—from coverage for lost earnings, to help with ongoing costs when temporarily closed, and financial assistance for any marketing and advertising needed to repair the damage.
Every restaurant wants to be known for serving excellent food but there’s always the danger that a restaurant may if only temporarily, become known for causing illness. Such claims are extremely stressful but with the right insurance, they should not lead to financial disaster.
For more information on the best restaurant insurance coverage in New Jersey contact Vozza Agency.